
Alerts are handy elements you can drop into a form or inline on a page to communicate success, warnings, failure or just information.


Use the .note.js-note class to quickly provide matching colored links within any important note.


A warning message is a modal dialog box, in-place message, notification, or balloon that alerts the user of a condition that might cause a problem in the future. Some issues can be presented as an error, warning, or information, depending on the emphasis and phrasing. Some types of warnings are presented as confirmations, and if so, the confirmation guidelines also apply


The installation was successful! To continue working with this template, please, add following files between <head> and </head> tags: animate.css; font-awesome.min.css; owl.carousel.css. If you have some questions about how the plugin works, please contact the support. For more detailed info, please visit the plugin demo page.


A notification informs users of events that are unrelated to the current user activity, by briefly displaying a panel with an icon in the notification area. The notification could result from a user action or significant system event, or could offer potentially useful information from the developing company or an application.


An information note informs users of events that are unrelated to the current user activity, by briefly displaying a panel without an icon in the notification area. The notification could result from a user action or significant system event, or could offer potentially useful information from the developing company or an application.


A panel note contains some general info of events that are unrelated to the current user activity, by briefly displaying a block without an icon in the notification area. The notification could result from a user action or significant system event, or could offer potentially useful information from the developing company or an application.


A danger message alerts users of a problem that has already occurred. If not to resolve the problem immediately it will cause more serious problems. By contrast, a warning message alerts users of a condition that might cause a problem in the future. Danger messages can be presented using modal dialog boxes, notifications, or panels.


Use the span.js-close.js-note to quickly provide matching colored links within any important closable note.


A warning message is a modal dialog box, in-place message, notification, or balloon that alerts the user of a condition that might cause a problem in the future. Some issues can be presented as an error, warning, or information, depending on the emphasis and phrasing. Some types of warnings are presented as confirmations, and if so, the confirmation guidelines also apply


The installation was successful! To continue working with this template, please, add following files between <head> and </head> tags: animate.css; font-awesome.min.css; owl.carousel.css. If you have some questions about how the plugin works, please contact the support. For more detailed info, please visit the plugin demo page.


A notification informs users of events that are unrelated to the current user activity, by briefly displaying a panel with an icon in the notification area. The notification could result from a user action or significant system event, or could offer potentially useful information from the developing company or an application.


An information note informs users of events that are unrelated to the current user activity, by briefly displaying a panel without an icon in the notification area. The notification could result from a user action or significant system event, or could offer potentially useful information from the developing company or an application.


A panel note contains some general info of events that are unrelated to the current user activity, by briefly displaying a block without an icon in the notification area. The notification could result from a user action or significant system event, or could offer potentially useful information from the developing company or an application.


A danger message alerts users of a problem that has already occurred. If not to resolve the problem immediately it will cause more serious problems. By contrast, a warning message alerts users of a condition that might cause a problem in the future. Danger messages can be presented using modal dialog boxes, notifications, or panels.


Use .note-bounce or .note-pulse classes to quickly provide matching colored links within any important animated note.


A danger message alerts users of a problem that has already occurred. If not to resolve the problem immediately it will cause more serious problems. By contrast, a warning message alerts users of a condition that might cause a problem in the future. Danger messages can be presented using modal dialog boxes, notifications, or panels.


A panel note contains some general info of events that are unrelated to the current user activity, by briefly displaying a block without an icon in the notification area. The notification could result from a user action or significant system event, or could offer potentially useful information from the developing company or an application.